Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, on August 27, 1910, map of the sky at the birth of the stars signing follows: Libra, Virgo and Libra. Sagittarius Her power to do so in harmony with the philosophy, religion, and has a deep desire to understand God. Many planets in Virgo, service marks, and in the middle of Libra, the sign of equality and peace. Throughout her life Mother Teresa and declared the best of signs, where the energy of Pluto, which governs the destiny, and Neptune, the planet of mysticism, which actively affect the life in her trip around the horoscope which is building a new kind of practical spirituality.
She took the vow of chastity, poverty and obedience, pure and suitable for divine communication. Later in life, like Mother Teresa, who considers her life and her work as an expression of God's love on earth. At eighteen, Neptune went into her house 9 in the field of education, higher education and the desire for God. There is a call to unity with the superior power of the universe and listen to the call. She left her home in Skopje, Yugoslavia and became a nun in Dublin, Ireland. She changed forever became known as her life changed because God has committed to "Sister Teresa" .. The order she joined a school run by the monastery in India. Then he went to India to teach and eventually adopted as her home and base for their holy work.
On September 10, 1948, while on the train headed into a recession, which has an extraordinary spiritual experience. There was another message in the form of God, to guide him to leave the convent and help reveal the love of God is difficult, suffering and oppression. Ther year launched a special mission, left the monastery to see the poor. She took the 12 followers who are very committed to their cause. They are looking for the saddest of the community and live in it. In the early presence of the order in which they experienced harassment and humiliation, but they persevered. In 1950, the Vatican established the Missionaries of Charity, Sister Teresa became Mother Teresa. Unlike other missionary orders, who took an oath of dedication to the protection of an additional life of the poor and needy.
In 1952, Dead House open, caring for the weak and lead them to die with dignity. In 1957, began operating the homeless, people with leprosy. Wherever there is an increase of the missionaries of her current order, moral support and help raise funds for people in danger. The dedication of Mother Teresa has won many admirers and supporters around the world. Through the selfless example has shown that despite the economic problems that separate people, people are the same, they share the grief and pain of it. Her work has gone beyond national borders and religion.
She has won the support of world leaders and other philanthropists to form a different background, so do not worry about the source of funding for projects. In 1985, after the U.S. President Ronald Reagan Medal of Freedom honor. In 1996 a survey was done and was selected second in the Princess Diana as a majority of the individual treatments in the world.
Mother Teresa has helped millions of people suffer and inspire the rich and the poor in different ways compassionate. Some people are born to bring a universal principle that if people imitate it point to a more peaceful and spiritual world, like Mother Teresa of light, shows us how to approach God through the way service.
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